Finance Administration Panel Overview
The Finance Administration Panel is the essential tool for you to work with your online application. Here you can manage balances for both corporations and endusers and generate virtual cards also. The presented solution is prepared for rebranding for the client's brand. The document is divided into sections that describe the various components of the system. Each section contains a screen presenting the functionality and a detailed description of the states occurring in it.
Purpose and scope
This product guide provides a high-level overview of Admin Panel Finance section. This document covers the following topics:
managing end user Balance
managing Master balances,
- managing Company balances,
transaction clearing,
partner accounting,
- AML user lock
- privileges per role.
This section explains a number of key terms and concepts used in this document.
Name |
Description |
Customer, Partner |
Customer who uses MPA. |
Operator |
User using the Admin Panel. |
Balance |
Representation of funding collection in specific currency. |
Session token |
Access to the system by a web application user is secured using a session token to uniquely associate the session with the user. It is required to perform any action. |
Customer Balance
Customer balances can be managed from End user detail view, in "Balance" tab.
Balance table provides following information:
Parametr |
Description |
Balance ID |
Unique virtual wallet ID. |
Currency |
Currency for given balance in ISO 4217 format. |
Balance |
Amount of funds available on balance. |
IBAN for given balance. It is hidden by default and can be viewed after clicking "Reveal" button. |
Add new balance
Operator can create new balances with "Add new balance" button. After clicking it, operator should choose currency for new balance from dropdown list. Newly created balance is visible on Balances list right away.
Balances can be created for any currency. However cards can be created only for currency compliant with End user balance currency and currency configured in terminal for given project.
Balance detail view
Balance detail view can be entered by click on a row in Balance table, described above.
Page consists of 3 sections:
1. Details
Contains Balance ID, Balance Currency and Balance Amount and IBAN.
2. List of cards
Contains all cards assigned to given balance along with informations: Card ID, Activation date, Expire date, Type and Processor ID.
3. Statements
A list of statements generated for given balance. Automatycznie generowane i dodawane, co miesiąc.
Generate card
Feature enables Operator to create a virtual card. After clicking "Generate card" a popup with list of terminals configured for Partner is shown. Operator should choose terminal with currency corresponding to end user balance currency. Generated virtual card is verified right away.
Change balance
Operator with Admin role can change end user balance using "Change Balance" button.
1. Select type:
a) credit - increase balance
b) debit - decrease balance
2. Select transaction type (described below).
3. Enter transaction amount.
4. Enter transaction description.
4. Add transaction ID (optional).
5. Click 'Confirm'.
Balance is changed right away.
Type |
Transaction type |
Description |
Credit |
Cashback |
Internal transaction for a Partner who wants to top up the user's balance as part of the loyalty program. Antaca automatically debits the credit Master balance with this transaction. |
Loan |
Internal transaction for a Partner who want to top up end user's balance as part of the credit agreement. Antaca automatically debits the credit Master Balance with this transaction. |
Payment |
Internal transaction type used to top up the user's balance. This type indicates that the funds come from the antaca system, usually in conjunction with a funding type a debit transaction on the user's balance. Antaca automatically debits the credit masterbalance with this transaction. |
Top up |
Internal transaction type used to top up end user balance. This type indicates that the funds come from outside the antaca system, e.g. payment to an account at a bank branch. Antaca automatically debits the credit masterbalance with this transaction. |
Debit |
Commission |
Internal transaction for a partner who wants to debit user balance as a fee. Antaca automatically credits company balance with the funds debited from end user balance. |
Fee |
Internal transaction for a partner who wants to debit user balance as a fee. Antaca automatically credits company balance with the funds debited from end user balance. |
Funding |
Internal transaction type used to debit the user's balance. This type indicates that the funds still remain in the Antaca system, usually in conjunction with a credit type transaction on the user's balance. Antaca automatically credits the credit Master Balance with this transaction. |
Withdrawal |
Internal transaction type used to debit end user balance. This type indicates that the funds go outside of Antaca system, e.g. withdrawal from an account at a bank branch. |
Delete balance
Operator with Admin or Manager role can delete end user balance on balance detail view. Option is available only for balances equal to 0.00 and all transactions are cleared. Deleted balance is no longer visible in the End user's Balances tab. All cards assigned to deleted balance are deleted as well.
Master balance
Master Balance page contains 3 sections:
1. Deposits/ Credits - includes a list of Master Balances created for Partner with amount of funds and currency.
2. Filters - allow searching for transactions specific for given time frame, type (credit or debit), amount and transaction title.
3. List of transactions - list of transactions generated for selected Master Balance.
List includes following information:
Parametr |
Description |
Transaction date |
Transaction date in YYYY-MM-DD format and 24 hour format (UTC+0). |
Title |
Title of transaction. |
Amount |
Amount of transaction with currency code. |
Type |
Type of transaction. Available values "Debit" and "Credit". |
BIN sponsor can perform 'Change balance' action. Operator should do following actions:
1. Select proper Master balance.
2. Select "Change balance" button.
3. Select transaction type.
4. Enter transaction amount.
5. Enter transaction description.
6. Add transaction ID (optional).
7. Click "Confirm".
This action results in Master Balance change and saving transaction in "List of transactions" table.
Operator with any role can use 'Generate report' functionality.
Balance page provides information on how much money Partner should have on their bank account to ensure money liquidity on their project. It combines totals of end users' balances and partner balances for chosen currency.
For projects using credit Master Balance, "Bank account" should be equal to sum of credit Master Balance end users' balances and partner balances for chosen currency.
For project using deposit Master Balance, "Balance" page should not be visible.
Manual clearings
Manual clearings page shows all transactions registered in Antaca and settlements generated in payment network.
Manual clearings enable Operators with Admin role to clear transaction whish were not cleared automatically.
Page is divided into two sections:
1. Transactions
Operator can filter transactions using following filters: Date from, Date to, Terminal, Transaction ID, Customer ID, Card ID, Type, Status
Table below filter section presents following information:
Parametr |
Description |
Transaction ID |
Transaction identifier obtained from acquirer. |
Description |
Transaction description. |
Card ID |
DataCore card ID. |
Type |
Type of transaction |
Amount |
Transaction gross value. |
Transaction date |
Transaction date in YYYY-MM-DD format and 24 hour format (UTC+0). |
Status |
Transaction status. Available values: Authorized, Cleared, Reversed. |
2. Settlement
Operator can filter settlements using following filters: Date from, Date to, Terminal, Transaction ID, Customer ID, Card ID, Status, Processed.
Table below filter section presents following information:
Parametr |
Description |
Transaction ID |
Transaction identifier obtained from acquirer. |
Description |
Transaction description. |
Card ID |
DataCore card ID. |
Amount |
Transaction gross value with currency. |
Transaction date |
Transaction date in YYYY-MM-DD format and 24 hour format (UTC+0). |
Processed at |
Settlement clearing date in YYYY-MM-DD format and 24 hour format (UTC+0). |
Manual clearing page provides 'Clear transaction' functionality for BIN Sponsors. To clear transaction, Operator with Admin role should perform following actions:
1. Select one or many transactions to be cleared.
2. Select settlement to be linked with transactions chosen in step 1 (this step is optional).
3. Click 'Clear transactions' button at the right top of the page.
Transactions status is changed to 'Cleared'. Settlement chosen in second step will have 'Processed at' parameter set to the date of clearing.
Partner accounting
Partner accounting page was created to present information about Partner's profits for given project. It contains a list of transactions such as fees, intercharge, fx conversion, and transactions generated manually by BIN Sponsor.
Page is devided into 3 sections:
1. Company balance - list of Partner balances.
2. Filters - allow searching for transactions specific for given time frame and type (credit or debit).
3. List of transactions
Parametr |
Description |
Transaction date |
Transaction date in YYYY-MM-DD format and 24 hour format (UTC+0). |
Title |
Transaction description. |
Amount |
Transaction gross value with currency. |
Type |
Transaction type. Available values: Credit, Debit. |
Operator with Admin role can perform 'Generate a transaction'. To generate a transaction Operator should do following actions:
1. Select proper company balance.
2. Select 'Generate a transaction' button.
3. Select transaction type.
4. Enter transaction amount.
5. Enter transaction description.
6. Add transaction ID (optional).
7. Click 'Confirm'.
Operator with any role can use 'Generate report' functionality. Maximum time range for reports is 3 months.
AML User lock
AML User lock enables Operator with any role to lock a resource which doesn't comply with AML regulations. This lock will disable end user cards and balances and can be created only for ens users with accepted KYC application.
Page is devided into 2 sections:
1. Filters - allow browsing locked resources by their type (e.g. Customer), ID and Lock reason.
2. List of locked resources.
Parametr |
Description |
Blocked resource |
Shows blocked resource type. |
Resource ID |
Verestro ID for given resource. |
Reason |
Available values: Any, Document expired. |
Action |
Available actions: Remove the lock. |
Remove the lock option is available only for Operator with Admin role.
New lock can be created using "New lock" button in the top right corner of the page. After clicking it, a popup appears:
After entering Blocked resource, ResourceID and Reason for lock, newly added lock is visible in the list of locked resources.
To remove the lock, Operator should click on Action menu on lock's list and select "Remove the lock".
Lock will be removed from the list instantly.
Default privileges per role in the portal
Below are the default function settings for described product divided into areas.
Area |
Action |
Admin |
Manager |
Employee |
Customer Balance |
View Company Balance |
x | x | - |
Create Customer Balance | x | x | - | |
View Customer Balance | x | x | x | |
View Customer Balance Details | x | x | x | |
Topup Customer Balance | x | - | - | |
Delete Customer Balance | x | x | - | |
Customer |
Delete Customer | x | x | |
Master Balances |
View Master Balance |
x |
x |
- |
Edit Master Balance |
x |
- |
- |
Create Master Balance |
x |
- |
- |
Transactions | clearTransaction | x | - | - |
View KYC applications |
x |
x |
- |
Update KYC applications |
x |
x |
- |
Cards |
Create virtual card |
x |
x |
x |
View cards |
x |
x |
- |
Delete cards |
x |
x |
- |
Create Card Limit | x | x | x | |
View Card Limits | x | x | x | |
Update Card Limits | x | x | x | |
Delete Card Limits | x | x | x | |
Generate CVV | x | x | x |