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Mobile App Development Languages Used by Verestro

This article summarizes programming languages & technologies we're utilizing to build our mobile solutions.

Why should I care?

If you want to use Verestro's SDKs in your mobile apps or you are interested in our Whitelabel Mobile Application, with intention of future maintenance by your own team, you may want to check if our products fit your technology stack well.

Native solution

Most of our solutions for mobile apps leverages technologies native for each mobile platform:

  • For Android - Kotlin (seamlessly works also with java-based projects)
  • For iOS - Swift

This enables best performance, security and integration of platform-specific features. You may also create your own native SDKs for your products that will work with our ecosystem. More details available here.

Compatibility with web-based solutions

It is possible to embed widgets or entire web-based screens inside our Whitelabel Mobile Application. We'll pass you data about the currently signed in user, so you can display relevant information. More information about it is available here.

Flutter, React Native and other cross-platform tools

While we don't provide SDKs for mobile apps written in Java Script & Dart, our native SDKs work great in such an environment. Both most popular cross-platform frameworks include relevant solutions for this: